Business must file W-2 by January 31, 2024

W-2 Manager

Flexible form W-2 management. W-2 Manager helps you to easily update, create, keep track of, and file any number of W-2 forms. Simply create an account and start managing your forms W-2 today. Find out more

W-2 Manager

Safely and securely manage your W-2 and W-2C online. W-2 Manager is verified by Starfield Technologies Web Server to be safe, reliable, and secure. Your sensitive W-2 data is safe with us. Find out more

W-2 Manager

W-2 Manager provides full service for managing W-2-MISC and W-2C. Print, re-print, create PDFs, e-file, search, import, upload, map, and/or edit your W-2s online anywhere, anytime. Create W-2Cs with ease using our auto-change detections when you import or create new forms that have already been e-filed through our system. Find out more

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How to use

How to use W2

Free, online paycheck calculator and payroll management

eSmart Paycheck Register, prepare and print paychecks in minutes, generate 941, 940, W-2 and other payroll forms online for free.

E-File of Forms 941, W-2, W-2c and State payroll reports

eSmart Payroll Prepare and efile one or multiple 941s, 940s, upload data file for W-2, W-2c, 1099-misc and correction efile to the IRS and SSA.

Full service payroll online

Simple Payroll is a full service, online payroll where we will make tax deposits and file payroll reports for you.

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